Monday, October 02, 2006


I'm writing a post about llamas for you Jason because I promised you that I would. I went on google and typed in llamas but there were no good pictures at all. This was the best one I could find. llamas rules!!! ( I still like monkeys though ). Jason I took a picture of that picture with my phone. I'll send it to you. Hope you all like it. I wrote about nothing because that is my speciality.


Vicki said...

If you don't think God has a sense of humor, just look at a llama. They are funny looking! But, if you really want proof God is funny......look at the platypus!

_megan_ said...

Ok......Llamas are not cool
[sorry jason]

There leaders of goats......

of Meg.meister

_megan_ said...

I have no clue what I said in my last comment!

_megan_ said...

I love horses! Write something about horses and and your favorite book!